Address: Termálne kúpalisko Vrbov (Thermal Park Vrbov), Vrbov 299, 059 72 Vrbov
Phone Office: +421 948 622 622, general information until 21:00
Telephone reception: +421 940 522 522, information about dates and stays until 19:00
GPS: 49.082595, 20.425458 (car park next to theThermal park Vrbov)


Where there is water and heat, there is also life. The life of the ancient ancestors of the Vrbov people was one great struggle for survival, and perhaps that is why nature gave them a great gift. Geothermal water, which reaches the surface from two boreholes, is additionally enriched with a number of healing minerals. Calcium, magnesium, carbonates and sulphur reach the surface from a fascinating depth of 2.5 kilometres. The heat held beneath the earth’s surface is immense, but the surface water is only 56 to 59 degrees.


Whether you visit the Tatras, Spiš or Pieniny, it is always good to regenerate your body after a strenuous day. In summer, just choose one of the ten pools with geothermal or clear water. Children will also enjoy themselves in four swimming pools designed for them.

The whole water park is divided for swimmers and those who are looking forwater massages. Of course, very popular are also Thai massages.

A beloved additional attraction is a Mini Dinosaur Park in the children’s playground.

Thirst and hunger often accompany a satisfying rest. Refreshments can be enjoyed right at the bar. If you are looking for speed, fast food is the best choice. Lovers of comfort and delicious flavours will be satisfied in the restaurant.


The modernized area is also prepared for those of more advanced years, whom the beneficial effects of groundwater help to stay in shape. Discounted stay packageswill multiply the joy and help those who need it most.


It is almost unbelievable what our ancestors left for us in the vicinity. Levoča is quite unique –with the highest Gothic altar in the world, and the entire historic town centre surrounded by town walls. Kežmarok with its Wooden Articular Church, which is called the little Sistine chapel of Spiš, is even closer. The list of UNESCO monuments also includes the statue of Christ in the Basilica Minor of the Holy Cross in Kežmarok. Although only a fragment of the town walls has been preserved, it would be a sin to miss a tour of the town castle.

Počas zimnej sezóny ponúka Thermal Park Vrbov 5 bazénov. Na svoje si tu prídu rodiny, športovci aj seniori. Voda v bazénoch sa udržiava pri teplote od 26°C do 38°C. K výdatnej relaxácii návštevníkov prispievajú trysky s prúdmi tečúcej vody. Ich pôsobenie uvoľňuje a masíruje stuhnuté svalstvo. Až by niekto potreboval pomoc odborníka, prospieť mu môže thajská masáž s rôznymi druhmi masáží. Chýbať samozrejme nemôže občerstvenie fast foodového aj reštauračného typu. Stredisko sa nachádza blízko mesta Poprad, neďaleko diaľnice D1 a z areálu ponúka jedinečný výhľad na Vysoké Tatry. Je otvorené denne od 10.00 do 21.00 hod. Cena vstupu sa pohybuje už od 5 Eur.